Gastroccult (includes Gastric pH)
Label Mnemonic: GCPOC
Epic code: LAB1073
Downtime form: Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
6240 RCP
Gastric Aspirate or Vomitus
Collection Medium:
Miscellaneous container; contact laboratory
0.5 mL
Delivery Instructions:
Deliver to laboratory within 30 minutes of collection.
Testing Schedule:
24 hrs/day, 7 days a week, including holidays. Samples should be tested within a few minutes after collection; testing is performed in the main Clinical Pathology Core Lab.
Turn Around Time:
Within 30 minutes.
Reference Range:
Occult blood - negative
pH = hydrogen ion concentration
occult blood = guaiac
A rapid screening test that detects the presence of occult blood and
measures the pH of the specimen.
CPT Code:
See Additional Information:
Specimens Requiring Immediate Delivery