Activated Clotting Time, Blood | HIV-1 Genotyping, Plasma | |
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), Plasma | HLA B27, Whole Blood | |
Acute Leukemia, Peripheral Blood, Bone Marrow, or CSF | Homocysteine, Plasma | |
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, Plasma | Human Progenitor Cells, Whole Blood | |
Aldosterone, Serum | IA-2 Antibody, Serum | |
Amino Acids, Quantitative, Random Urine | Immunodeficiency Evaluations; Adult and Pediatric, Peripheral Blood | |
Ammonia, Plasma | Immunodeficiency Evaluations; Adult and Pediatric, Peripheral Blood | |
Anaerobic Culture, Sterile Specimen | Insulin, Random (Mailout), Serum or Plasma | |
Anser IFX (Infliximab) Drug Level, Serum | Insulin, Total, Plasma | |
Arginine Vasopressin (ADH), Plasma | Insulin-Like Growth Factor II, Serum | |
Arterial Blood Gas, ECMO, Post-Oxygenator, Whole Blood (syringe only) | Interleukin 6, Serum | |
Aspirated Knee/Joint/Cyst, Fluid | Lactate, Whole Blood | |
Bacterial Culture | Lactic Acid, CSF | |
BCR/ABL1 (T(9;22)) RNA Quantitative with Interpretation, Whole Blood | Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Panel, Whole Blood | |
BCR/ABL1 (T(9;22)) RNA Quantitative with Interpretation, Bone Marrow | Leukocyte Lysosomal Enzyme Screen, Whole Blood | |
Beryllium, Whole Blood | Lymphocyte Subsets, Peripheral Blood | |
Blastomyces Antigen, Urine | Metanephrines, Free, Plasma | |
Blastomyces Antigen, CSF or BAL Fluid | Methotrexate Drug Level, Plasma | |
Blastomyces Antigen, Blood | 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, CSF | |
Blood Gases (Arterial), Whole Blood (syringe only) | Muscle Biopsy, Fresh or Frozen Tissue | |
Blood Gases (Capillary Stick), Whole Blood | N-Telopeptide, Cross-Linked, Serum | |
Blood Gases - Other, Body Fluid | Neopterin, CSF | |
Bronchial Brush Cytology, Bronchial Brush | Neurokinin A (Substance K), Plasma | |
Bronchial Wash Cytology, Bronchial Wash | Neuromyelitis Optica/Aquaporin-4-IgG, CSF | |
Bronchioalveolar Lavage (BAL) for Cancer Evaluation, Bronchioalveolar Lavage | Neuromyelitis Optica/Aquaporin-4-IgG, Serum | |
C1 Inhibitor Functional Assay, Serum | Neurotransmitter Metabolites, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) | |
C1 Inhibitor, Protein, Serum | Niacin (Vitamin B3), Whole Blood | |
C1Q Complement Functional Activity, Serum | Octreotide Drug Level, Plasma | |
C2 Complement Component, Serum | 17OH Progesterone Quant HPLC, Serum | |
C3 Nephritic Factor Analysis, Serum | 17-OH-Pregnenolone, Serum | |
C5 Complement Level, Serum | Osmotic Fragility, Erythrocyte, Whole Blood | |
C5 Complement, Functional, Serum | Oxygen Saturation (Arterial), Whole Blood (syringe only) | |
Calcitonin, Plasma | Oxygen Saturation (Venous), ECMO, Whole Blood (syringe only) | |
Calcium, Ionized (Or Free), Serum, Plasma or Whole Blood | Pancreastatin, Plasma | |
Calcium, Ionized (Or Free), ECMO, Serum, Plasma or Whole Blood | Pancreatic Polypeptide, Serum | |
Calcium, Ionized, Other, Body Fluid | Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) Screen, Peripheral Blood | |
Calcium, Ionized, Post-Filter, Serum, Plasma or Whole Blood | Peritoneal Wash, for Cancer Evaluation | |
Carnitine, Free and Total, Plasma | pH, Body fluid other than serum/plasma or urine (e.g., pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, joint fluid, etc.) | |
Catecholamines, Fractionated, Plasma | pH, Urine | |
CD34 PB Pre-Apheresis Panel, Peripheral Blood | Phosphatidylethanol (PEth), Whole Blood | |
CD4 Lymphocytes, Peripheral blood | PKU Cofactor Screen, Blood Spots and Urine | |
Cerebral Spinal Fluid Cytology, CSF | Plasminogen, Plasma | |
Chromogenic Factor X, Plasma | Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1, Activity, Plasma | |
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Various | Platelet Antibody Workup for Platelet Transfusion Refractory Patients, Blood | |
Citalopram Drug Level, Serum | Platelet Function Analysis, Blood | |
Coagulation Factor Inhibitor, Plasma | Post Bone Marrow Transplant Monitoring, Peripheral Blood | |
Cold Agglutinin Titer, Plasma | Proinsulin, Plasma | |
Complement Alternative Pathway, Serum | Prothrombin Time, Plasma | |
Complement Factor H Level by RID, Plasma | PTH-Related Protein, Plasma | |
Complement, Total (CH50), Serum | Purine and Pyrimidine | |
Cryptococcal Antigen, CSF, Serum | Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) | |
Cytologic Evaluation, Body Fluid | Pyruvic Acid, Blood | |
D-Dimer, Citrated Plasma | Quantitative Bowel Culture | |
D-Lactate, Plasma | RBC Enzyme Evaluation, Whole Blood | |
7-Dehydrocholesterol, Plasma | RBC Folate, Whole Blood | |
Ehrlichia chaffeensis Antibody, IgG, Serum | Reducing Substances | |
Entamoeba Histolytica Antibody, IgG, Serum | Renal Pathology Exam, Tissue | |
Enterovirus Qualitative PCR Assay, Spinal Fluid (CSF) | Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Whole Blood | |
Eosinophils, Other Fluids | Sezary Syndrome, Various | |
Eosinophils, Urine | Skin Biopsy, Tissue | |
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Quantitative PCR, CSF | Skin Biopsy, Immunofluorescence, Tissue | |
Erythropoietin, Serum | Somatostatin, Plasma | |
Estrone, Serum | Sporothrix Antibody, Serum | |
Factor I Level, Plasma | Sporothrix Antibody, CSF, Spinal Fluid | |
Factor II Assay, Plasma | Substance P, Plasma | |
Factor IX Assay, Plasma | Succinyladenosine, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) | |
Factor V Assay, Plasma | Tetrahydrobiopterin & Neopterin | |
Factor VII Assay, Plasma | Thrombin Time, Plasma | |
Factor VIII Assay, Plasma | Thyroxine Binding Globulin, Serum | |
Factor X Assay, Plasma | Tobramycin Drug Level, Plasma | |
Fetal Erythrocyte Quantitation, Maternal Peripheral Blood | Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha, Serum | |
Folate, Serum | Uric Acid (on ice-Elitek), Plasma | |
FSHD - Prenatal Detection of Abnormal Alleles with Interpretation, Fetal Sample (Cultured Cells derived from Amniotic Fluid or Chorionic Villus), Parental Samples (Whole Blood) | Urine Cytology, Urine | |
Fungal Culture | Venous (Central) Blood Gas, Whole Blood (syringe only) | |
Gastrin, Serum | Venous (Central) Oxygen Saturation, Whole Blood (syringe only) | |
Gastroccult (includes Gastric pH), Gastric Aspirate or Vomitus | Venous (Peripheral) Blood Gas, Whole Blood (syringe only) | |
Glucagon, Plasma | Venous (Peripheral) Oxygen Saturation, Whole Blood (syringe only) | |
Glucose Tolerance Test-2 HR, Plasma | Venous Blood Gas, ECMO, Pre-Oxygenator, Whole Blood (syringe only) | |
Glucose Tolerance Test-2 HR, Plasma | Vitamin A, Serum | |
Glucose Tolerance Test-3 HR, Plasma | Vitamin B1, Whole Blood | |
Glucose Tolerance Test-3 HR, Plasma | Vitamin B12, Plasma | |
Hemoglobin, Plasma, Free | Vitamin B12, Reflexive, Serum | |
Hepatitis B Virus Genotyping, Plasma | Vitamin B6, Plasma | |
Hepatitis C Virus; Quantitative PCR, Plasma | Vitamin B2, Plasma | |
Hepatitis E Virus PCR, Whole Blood, Plasma | Vitamin C, Plasma | |
Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8) PCR , Whole Blood | Vitamin D (1,25 Dihydroxy), Serum | |
Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8) PCR Non-Blood, Various Sample Types | Vitamin E, Serum | |
HIV Phenotyping & Genotyping, Plasma | Vitamin K, Serum | |
HIV Quantitative PCR (Viral Load), Plasma | Von Willebrand Multimeric, Plasma |