Venous (Central) Blood Gas
Label Mnemonic: VBGC
Epic code: LAB8591
Downtime form: A-1a Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
Critical Care - Relocated to Core Laboratory
6240 RCP
Whole Blood (syringe only)
Collection Medium:
Lithium/Sodium Heparin syringe
0.5 mL in Lithium/Sodium Heparin syringes ONLY. No air bubbles in syringe.
Delivery Instructions:
Deliver to laboratory immediately after collection.
Testing Schedule:
24 hrs/day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
Turn Around Time:
10 minutes (upon receipt in laboratory)
Reference Range:
        Adults       Pediatrics (<18 years old)
pH      7.33-7.43    7.30-7.40
PCO2      37-50        32-45 mm Hg for girls, 35-48 mm Hg for boys
pO2       37-47        50-65 torr

Critical Care Critical Values:
pH           <7.20 and >7.60
pCO2 Adults  <20   and >70
     Peds    <20   and >55
pO2          <20

Special Care Nurseries Critical Values:
pH           <7.25 and >7.65
pCO2         <30   and >70
This order is for venous blood gas for a specimen drawn from a central catheter (e.g., central venous catheter, PICC line, pulmonary artery catheter) as opposed to peripheral site (e.g., standard venipuncture). Blood gas analyses and calculations assume a patient temperature of 37°C unless the laboratory is informed of a different temperature either by phone or by paper documentation if sample is hand-delivered. Any air drawn in with the sample must be expelled immediately. Samples that contain greater than 25% air to sample volume ratio will not be analyzed. All needles must be removed from the syringe before delivery.
Traditional Electrodes
CPT Code: