Muscle Biopsy
Order form: Epic Consult Pathology-Surgical Pathology
5225 RCP
Fresh or Frozen Tissue
Place fresh tissue in saline-moistened gauze for transporting to the laboratory. DO NOT place tissue in formalin fixative.
Delivery Instructions:
Deliver to laboratory immediately after collection.
Testing Schedule:
0800-1700 Monday through Friday. For additional services, contact the Histopathology Laboratory at 356-2140 or contact Dr. Steve Moore at pager #5197.
Turn Around Time:
7-14 days
Reference Range:
The pathologist will provide an interpretative report.
Epic code: CON316
Light Microscopy, Enzyme Histochemistry, Immunofluorescence, and Electron Microscopy
CPT Code:
88305 Light Microscopy (technical and professional)
88319 Enzyme Histochemistry (technical and professional)
88346 Immunofluorescence (technical and professional)
88348/88349 Electron Microscopy (technical and professional)
88314 Histochemical Staining with frozen section(technical and professional)
88331 Pathology frozen section during surgery with frozen section during surgery
      (technical and professional) 
See Additional Information:
Specimens Requiring Immediate Delivery