University of Iowa Health Care

Department of Dermatology

Lichen planus - Pediatric

Fig 1.Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale coalesing into plaques on the lower extremity with hyperpigmented bulla on the dorsal foot. (Click images for higher resolution)

Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale coalesing into plaques on the lower extremity with hyperpigmented bulla on the dorsal foot. (click images for higher resolution).

Fig 2.Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale coalesing into plaques on the lower leg . (Click images for higher resolution)

Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale coalesing into plaques on the lower leg. (click images for higher resolution).

Fig 3.Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale coalesing into plaques on the lower leg. (Click images for higher resolution)

Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale coalesing into plaques on the lower leg. (click images for higher resolution).

Fig 4.Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale on the lower legs. (Click images for higher resolution)

Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale on the lower legs. (click images for higher resolution).

Fig 5.Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale on the lower legs. (Click images for higher resolution)

Pink to violaceous polygonal papules with overlying white scale on the lower legs. (click images for higher resolution).

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