University of Iowa Health Care

Department of Dermatology

Pseudofolliculitis barbae

Fig 1. Perifollicular hyperpigmented papules confined to the beard area. (Click images for higher resolution)

Perifollicular hyperpigmented papules confined to the beard area. (click images for higher resolution).

Fig 2. Perifollicular hyperpigmented papules confined to the beard area. (Click images for higher resolution)

Perifollicular hyperpigmented papules confined to the beard area. (click images for higher resolution).

Fig 3. Perifollicular hyperpigmented papules and keloidal nodules with purulent drainage on the beard area. (Click images for higher resolution)

Perifollicular hyperpigmented papules and keloidal nodules with purulent drainage on the beard area. (click images for higher resolution).

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