University of Iowa Diagnostic Laboratories (UIDL) Test Directory Information

We are pleased to provide you with the UIDL Test Directory. We hope that it will be your first source for information regarding the services we can provide to you.

In order to effectively use the laboratory services that are available from the University of Iowa Diagnostic Laboratories, it is vital that clinicians, other providers and support staff have up-to-date information to guide their interactions with the clinical laboratories. This test directory is a tool to assist in that endeavor.

Our efforts to improve and update the test directory can be greatly facilitated by your assistance. If you find errors, discrepancies, or other points of confusion, please contact UIDL Client Services with your ideas and suggestions to ensure that upcoming editions can correct or clarify the problem.

We look forward to serving you and your patients.

UIDL Client Services:
Local: (319) 384-7212
Toll Free: (888) 844-2522
Fax: (319) 384-7213