Celiac tissue transglutaminase (TTG) and deamidated gliadin IgA testing have returned to being available in-house, Tuesday, September 13th, 2022

Starting today, Tuesday, September 13th, 2022, the following tests related to celiac disease have returned to being available in-house:

Gliadin (deamidated) IgA antibody (LAB8011)
Tissue transglutaminase IgA (LAB8013)

The preferred specimen type is plasma separator tube (lithium heparin light green top).

As per previous protocol when this testing was in-house, there is automatic reflex to the IgG versions of TTG or deamidated gliadin if total IgA is too low.

Questions should be directed to Matthew Krasowski, MD, PhD (384-9380, matthew-krasowski@uiowa.edu).