Temporary Change to Lavender Top Tubes

Please be aware that due to an unexpected supply chain issue, effective at noon on Thursday 9/30/21, staff will be prompted to use a 6 mL lavender top tube for specimens submitted for blood bank testing (i.e., blood type, type and screen orders). 

The 6 mL lavender tubes will be stocked in your Omnicells when Omnicell supply indicates you need a re-supply.  The 6 mL lavender tubes will also be supplied to non-Omnicell areas when an order is placed for that tube type.   We are working with Procurement and with vendors to stabilize the supply chain for these collection tubes. 

We will provide further updates to you on this supply issue as more information becomes available or if additional changes become needed.  We do anticipate this to be temporary, but we do not know how long it will last. 

Note that the ‘old pink tube’ will still be used for some specimens not intended for blood bank testing. Staff collecting blood specimens from patients should follow guidance in Epic to determine which types of collection tubes are required.

Questions should be directed to Heidi Nobiling, RN, MA, MBA (heidi-nobiling@uiowa.edu).