Changes to Enteric Pathogen Testing

As of today (10/27/20), the “Enteric Panel” PCR test which covers enteric pathogens including bacteria, certain parasites, and viruses will become unavailable due to COVID-19-related supply chain shortages. This is unavailability is indefinite, and the vendor has not yet provided any timetable for resolution of this issue.

There are several important changes that need to be anticipated:

  1. FecalSwabs will no longer be acceptable; raw stool must be submitted in a sterile cup (Stores #37777).
  2. Significant delays are expected as the panel is performed only on Monday Wednesday and Friday and samples must be sent out by mail.

The new panel tests for the following:

Major updates will be provided in future broadcasts.

Questions concerning this change can be directed to Bradley Ford, MD, PhD, Medical Director of Microbiology; (ext. 6-2990,; *8290).