New Trichomonas Testing

As of Tuesday, March 6, 2018, new PCR testing for Trichomonas will be available in the Microbiology laboratory.  The following points should be noted:

  1. Trichomonas is very common (about as prevalent as Chlamydia and gonorrhea combined).  Current testing (LAB7263; Vaginosis/vaginitis panel) will remain available for women only and detects Trichomonas, yeast and Gardnerella.  It requires a VPIII Collection and Transport Kit (Hospital Stores No. 74472).

  2. New testing (LAB8677, Trichomonas PCR) has 10-30% higher sensitivity for Trichomonas.
    1. New testing will be available for both males and females, with a 2-hour turnaround on receipt in the laboratory.
    2. Testing requires a minimum 7mL urine in a sterile container (Stores #37777) or (full) yellow top tube (Stores 924044).  Note that other collection devices such as gray top urine tubes, the MultiCollect for GC/Chlamydia testing, etc. are not acceptable for testing.

Questions concerning this broadcast can be directed to Bradley Ford, MD, PhD, Medical Director of Microbiology; (ext. 6-2990,