Changes in Critical Values for Laboratory Tests

On Tuesday, March 21, 2017, there will be two changes to critical or clinically significant values for laboratory tests.

(1) The whole blood lactate critical value will now be > 5 mEq/L across all ages. Previously, this was not a critical value for children less than 16 years old outside of the newborn nursery or neonatal intensive care unit.

This change applies to the following two tests:

(2) There will also be a change to designate a TROPONIN T [LAB139] that is > 0.10 ng/mL in the outpatient setting (excluding the Emergency Treatment Center) as a clinically significant value to generate a phone call to the ordering provider.

Further information on the Department of Pathology Critical Laboratory Tests & Values is available in the Laboratory Services Handbook.

Questions should be directed to Matthew Krasowski, MD, PhD, medical director of the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory (384-9380,