Changes in HIV Viral Load by PCR Testing

Effective February 6, 2013, modifications to HIV Viral Load testing by PCR (Roche HIV assay) will allow reporting of a lower range of detection. The analytical range (in log notation, base 10) will change to: 1.3 - 7.0 log (20 - 10,000,000 copies/ml non-log transformed value). The methodology will remain the same, but due to changes by the manufacturer the test will also be able to amplify and detect HIV-1 group M subtypes and HIV-1 group O.

All other components of testing will remain unchanged including minimum specimen requirements for EDTA anti-coagulated (pink) tube. EPIC order code: LAB2468.

Questions concerning testing can be directed to Aaron Bossler, MD, PhD (ext. 4-9566), or Bradley Ford, MD, PhD (ext. 6-2990).