Flu and RSV Testing Daily Cutoff Changes

Effectively immediately (Monday, April 1, 2013), the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Microbiology and Molecular Pathology Laboratory is modifying the cutoff time to noon for same day testing for Respiratory Virus PCR (Epic code RVPCR) and Influenza A/B by PCR (Epic code INPCR).

This change is to accommodate a reduction in test requests as influenza virus and RSV prevalence taper.

In Iowa, influenza and RSV peaked early and are returning to baseline:

Flu and RSV Cases

Questions concerning testing can be directed to Bradley Ford, MD, PhD, Associate Medical Director of Microbiology (ext. 6-2990) or Aaron Bossler, MD, PhD, Medical Director of Molecular Pathology (ext. 4-9566).