Improvements in Laboratory Test Result Reporting in Epic

Effective January 7, 2010, the Department of Pathology Core Laboratory will be making changes to improve laboratory test result reporting in Epic.

  1. Hemolyzed, Icteric, or Lipemic suboptimal specimens will not be resulted as "Canceled", but rather will be resulted using one of the following textual responses:
    b. LIPEMIC
    c. ICTERIC
    These results will display in Epic Chart Review, Result Review, and In-Basket.

  2. Critical result ("panic value") reporting will be streamlined. Critical results will be transmitted electronically to Epic immediately upon verification; follow-up phone call of critical results will be made to the ordering clinician as required by regulations. This change permits the display of results more rapidly in the Epic database. The workflow will be consistent with Joint Commission initiatives to improve reporting of critical laboratory results to clinicians.

If there are any questions regarding these changes, contact Matthew Krasowski, MD, PhD, Medical Director of Clinical Chemistry (ext. 4-9380 or pager 1171).