Automated Fecal Occult Blood Test to Detect Colorectal Cancer

The clinical laboratory will be offering a new screening test for colorectal cancer beginning July 7th, 2008. The FOBT (fecal occult blood test) is an automated immunoassay.

This immunoassay provides several advantages over the guaiac method including:
   ease of collection
   reduction in the number of samples - ONLY ONE SAMPLE NEEDED
   no dietary restrictions
   specific for human hemoglobin
   detection of hemoglobin primarily from the colon and rectum.

The automated fecal occult blood test detects the presence of human hemoglobin by immunoassay using a photometric reading of the presence of an antibody-antigen complex.

Specimen Requirements
Collection: Submit a single sample from one stool sample collected in FOBT Sample Collection Device.

Transport: Routine courier pick up or via US Mail in provided mailer.

Storage: Up to 8 days at room temperature, 14 days if refrigerated.

Unacceptable Samples: Those not received within 7 days.

The test will be performed Monday-Friday in the Core Laboratory, 6240 RCP.

For questions, contact:
   Nancy Rosenthal, MD
   Director of the Hematology Laboratory