Iowa Neonatal Metabolic Screening Reporting Change as of 9/3/05

The Newborn Screening Report Form will change beginning with specimens received Saturday, September 3, 2005.

The Result Interpretation for the Expanded Screening Disorders will no longer appear on the report as "Presumptive Positive" with a code for a disorder. Instead, the Result Interpretation will be reported as "Abnormal Analyte" for Amino Acids and Acylcarnitines with abnormal levels.

The paragraph at the bottom of the page has changed to explain the codes for the Amino Acids and/or Acylcarnitines reported as "Abnormal Analytes" and will read as:

"Expanded Screening Disorders: ABNORMAL ANALYTES: Analytes refer to amino acids: [(ARG) Arginine, (ASA) Argininosuccinic Aciduria, (CIT) Citrulline, (LEU) Leueine, (MAA) Multiple Amino Acids, (MET) Methionine, (PHE) Phenylalanine, (TPN) Total Parenteral Nutrition, (TYR) Tyrosine, (VAL) Valine] and acylcarnitines: [LOW CO, HI CO, C3, C3-DC, C4, C4-OH, C5, C5:1, C5-DC, C5-OH, C6, C8, CIO, C10:1, 04, C14:1, C16, C16-OH, C 16-OH/C 16, CO/C16, C18:1, C 18 :1-OH, (MAC) Multiple acylcarnitines] that are outside normal range limits."

Phenylketonuria (an amino acid disorder) will no longer be reported as a separate disorder.

When an Abnormal Analyte is reported, the follow-up staff will contact the health care provider with further testing/follow-up options.

Questions can be directed to Martha Holm 356-8626 (Laboratory) and Judith Miller 353-6131 (Genetic Counselor).