New Test for Herpes Simplex Encephalitis by PCR

As of May 1st 2004, the Department of Pathology will be offering an in-house PCR test for the presence of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The test will be run on CSF only and requires a minimum of 0.5ml. The test detects both HSV1 and HSV2 but does not distinguish between them. The test will be run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If the specimens are in the lab by 11:00 am on those days, the results will be available the same day. The test will not be available on a STAT basis, and will not be offered on weekends and holidays. Ordering of the test will remain the same, using the Microbiology requisition form.  Results will appear in the Microbiology test result section of IPR rather than in the laboratory test section.

Questions can be directed to: Dr Kirsty Dodgson (6-2948; Pager 7847) or Beth Alden, Lead Scientist (4-9870).