Occult Blood, by Fecal Hemoglobin Immunoassay, Diagnostic (Quidel iFOB or FIT)
Label Mnemonic: FOBHIT
Epic code: LAB9303
Downtime form: Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
Iowa River Landing Laboratory
Room 0401 IRL
Random Stool
Collection Medium:
Quidel iFOB/FIT Collection Kit
Submit one home stool collection preserved in the Quidel home collection kit (#189649) available from Hospital Stores.
Rejection Criteria:
Samples not received within 8 days of collection. Improperly collected Fecal specimens.
Testing Schedule:
M – Th 0700 – 2000, Fr 0700 – 1730, Sa 0700 – 1230, Su: closed
Turn Around Time:
1 hour (upon receipt in laboratory)
Reference Range:
This test order is intended only for where there are signs and/or symptoms exhibited by the patient and not for screening in asymptomatic patients. If this is intended for colorectal cancer screening and not for active signs/symptoms, then OCCULT BLOOD, FECAL HEMOGLOBIN BY IMMUNOASSAY, SCREENING (QUIDEL IFOB OR FIT) [LAB9266] should be ordered. Testing should not be performed with actively bleeding hemorrhoids or during menstruation. It is strongly recommended not to use stool specimens obtained during visit by digital rectal examination because of low sensitivity for detection of colorectal cancers or precursor lesions. Immunochemical methods, (Quidel), are predominantly sensitive to lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract bleeding, particularly for screening for colorectal cancer lesions. Guaiac-based cards (HemaPrompt) are preferred for detection of upper GI bleeding (e.g., workup of patient with apparent active GI bleeding).

This test is also performed in the (UIHC) Clinical Chemistry laboratory (on specimens collected or inadvertently returned to UIHC).
The fecal occult blood test detects the presence of human hemoglobin by an immunochemical method. Unlike guaiac-based cards, this immunochemical method is NOT subject to interferences by red meat, plants, and vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
CPT Code: