Orthopox and non-variola orthopox (monkeypox) DNA, PCR dry swab and confirmation
Label Mnemonic: | MPOX, MPOXCONF |
Epic code: | LAB9230 & LAB9231 |
Commercial Mailout Laboratory
6240-8 RCP
6240-8 RCP
Lesion Specimen from 2-4 lesions should be collected.
Collection devices are available from Hospital Stores: HSV/VZV Chlamydia Regular Flocked Swab c 3mL UTM OP Swab Kit #173604 OR Swab OP 3ml VTM Avantik 120/BX #182039
Discard liquid from tube. Tap container to remove all fluid.
To collect specimen, use 2 swabs per lesion. Do not unroof the lesion. Vigorously swab the lesion twice.
Place each swab in a dry tube. Double bag and seal tightly
Refrigerate WITHIN 1 HOUR OF COLLECTION. Store and send refrigerated.
Each swab needs its own SHL test requisition form, which is linked from the order in Epic.
CDC Tips for Adequate Collection of a Lesion Specimen from a Suspect Monkeypox Virus Case
Collection devices are available from Hospital Stores: HSV/VZV Chlamydia Regular Flocked Swab c 3mL UTM OP Swab Kit #173604 OR Swab OP 3ml VTM Avantik 120/BX #182039
Discard liquid from tube. Tap container to remove all fluid.
To collect specimen, use 2 swabs per lesion. Do not unroof the lesion. Vigorously swab the lesion twice.
Place each swab in a dry tube. Double bag and seal tightly
Refrigerate WITHIN 1 HOUR OF COLLECTION. Store and send refrigerated.
Each swab needs its own SHL test requisition form, which is linked from the order in Epic.
CDC Tips for Adequate Collection of a Lesion Specimen from a Suspect Monkeypox Virus Case
Collection Medium:
Rejection Criteria:
OP swabs immersed in VTM or UTM.
Delivery Instructions:

Turn Around
Within 24 hours of receipt at the State Hygienic Laboratory
Reference Range:
‘Not detected’
Polymerase Chain Reaction
CPT Code: