Syphilis Total Antibodies with Reflex Confirmation
Label Mnemonic: SYPHT
Epic code: LAB8631
Downtime form: Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
6240 RCP
Collection Medium:
BD Gold SST 5 mL Vacutainer
5 mL serum from a BD Gold SST tube
Testing Schedule:
24 hrs/day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
Turn Around Time:
2 hours (upon receipt in laboratory)
Reference Range:
Interpretive Data:
The syphilis total antibodies (IgG + IgM) screen is a new method 
relative  to the RPR (rapid plasma reagin). The RPR detects non-treponemal 
antibodies (cardiolipin, cholesterol, and lecithin), whereas the the 
newer serology test detects IgG and IgM antibodies to T. pallidum 
proteins. The new approach to syphilis is termed 'reverse algorithm' in 
that RPR is not done as first test (traditional algorithm) but as the 
confirmation (i.e., reverse of the traditional algorithm). A negative 
syphilis total antibodies means that past and present syphilis infection 
is unlikely. A positive syphilis total antibodies, which can indicate a 
past or present infection, reflexes automatically to RPR. If there is 
discrepancy between syphilis total antibodies and RPR, TPPA (T. 
pallidum particle agglutination) is additionally performed. For 
patients  who have been treated for syphilis, RPR titers should be 
followed (orderable as Syphilis Treatment Follow-up (RPR with Titer) in 
Epic.  Successful treatment is generally indicated by a 4-fold or more 
reduction in RPR titer (e.g., 1:32 to 1:8).

The interpretation is as follows using CDC guidelines:

Syphilis Total





Not done

Not done

Syphilis infection



Not done

Syphilis – recent
infection likely




Syphilis – past or
present infection




Infection unlikely –
false positive syphilis
total antibodies

As mentioned above, positive syphilis total antibodies can occur with past or present infection. There are several advantages of the reverse algorithm: •Rapid turnaround time for syphilis total antibodies •Avoids the false positives seen with RPR in autoimmune disease (e.g., lupus), infectious mononucleosis, viral pneumonia, and non-syphilis treponemal diseases (e.g., yaws) •Detects early primary and latent infection that may be missed with traditional RPR screening. Some key points to remember with the reverse algorithm: •Syphilis total antibodies can persist for many years. A positive result does not necessarily indicate active disease. In patients with positive syphilis total antibodies, the RPR provides information on active versus past infection. •For assessing treatment efficacy in patients who have been treated for syphilis, "Syphilis Treatment Follow-up (RPR with Titer)" should be ordered. Successful treatment is generally indicated by a 4-fold reduction in RPR titer (e.g., 1:32 to 1:8). •The syphilis total antibodies can have false positives. These will be indicated by negative RPR and TPPA confirmation. Given the generally low prevalence of syphilis in Iowa, false positives will be a significant fraction of positive screening test results regardless of testing method used. •Iowa Department of Public Health will investigate positive syphilis total antibodies results only after confirmatory testing results are available. The full set of results guides investigation and follow-up.
New assay (switch from syphilis IgG to syphilis total antibodies) introduced April 3, 2018.

Positive syphilis total antibodies results are reflexed automatically to RPR. If syphilis total antibodies and RPR results are discrepant, TPPA is additionally performed. For those samples that reflex to RPR testing, RPR assay interference resulting in false positive results may occur with cross-reacting antibodies from patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, malaria, autoimmune disease, and viral pneumonia. RPR results should be interpreted in conjunction with patient history, risk factors, and other syphilis testing.

Assay updated with increased tolerance to biotin on 3/7/23.
Test Limitations:
The assay is unaffected by icterus < 66 mg/dL, hemolysis (Hb < 500 mg/dL), lipemia < 2000 mg/dL)and biotin <1200 ng/mL.
Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay
CPT Code:
86780 (Syphilis total antibodies)
86592 (RPR - if performed as reflex)
86593 (RPR titer - if performed as reflex)
86780 (TPPA - if performed as reflex)