Multiple Sclerosis Screen Panel
Label Mnemonic: MSS
Epic code: LAB7436
Downtime form: Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
Commercial Mailout Laboratory
6240-8 RCP
Serum & CSF
Specimen Instructions:
The CSF and serum samples must be collected at the same time, from the same patient.
Collection Medium:
Red top tube 5 mL (Clot Activator) CSF collection kit
Preferred Minimum: 1 mL serum in a red top and 1.5 mL CSF (both required)

Absolute Minimum: 0.6 mL serum in a red top and 1 mL CSF (both required)
Rejection Criteria:
Grossly bloody or hemolyzed specimens or severe lipemia.
Turn Around Time:
1-3 days upon receipt at reference laboratory
Reference Range:
Effective February 16, 2021

Immunoglobulin G, Serum           0-2 years: 242-1108 mg/dL
                                  3-4 years: 485-1160 mg/dL
                                  5-9 years: 514-1672 mg/dL
                                  10-14 years: 581-1652 mg/dL
                                  15-18 years: 479-1433 mg/dL
                                  19 years or older: 768-1632 mg/dL

Immunoglobulin G, CSF             0-6.0 mg/dL

Albumin, CSF                      0-35 mg/dL

Albumin Index                     0.0-9.0

CSF IgG/Albumin Ratio             0.09-0.25

IgG Index                         0.28-0.66

CSF Oligoclonal Bands             Negative

Interpretation                    By report

CSF IgG Synthesis Rate            Less than or equal to 8.0 mg/d

Albumin, Serum                    3500-5200 mg/dL

CSF Oligoclonal Bands Number      0-1 Bands
A patient is considered positive for CSF oligoclonal bands if there are two or more bands in the CSF immunoglobulin region that are not present in the serum. In order to confirm local production of oligoclonal IgG in CSF, a matched serum sample is required. Oligoclonal bands present in CSF, but not in serum, indicate central nervous system production. Oligoclonal bands are performed using isoelectric focusing and immunofixation.
Qualitative Isoelectric Focusing/Electrophoresis/Quantitative Immunoturbidimetry
CPT Code:
83916 Oligoclonal immune (Oligoclonal bands); 82784 IgG, serum; 82784 IgG CSF; 82040 Albumin, serum; 82042 Albumin, CSF