Creuztfeld-Jakob Disease Monitor
Cross References

Available as a research test only.  Requires ordering physician 
to access the CJD Surveillance, National Prion Disease Center 

On the CJD Surveillance web site, follow the menu to forms for the 
paperwork necessary and send a CSF (2 mL) and a urine sample (100 mL) 
to the National Prion Disease Center.  In CSF, the analysis searches 
for the presence of the 14-3-3protein.  The 14-3-3 protein is a marker 
for some prion diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), when 
a number of other neurodegenerative conditions are excluded.  Notify 
Commercial Mailouts by calling 356-8593 when a sample is being 
collected for this test.

The result for this is faxed directly to the ordering physician.  The 
result will not be placed in Epic.  Commercial Mailouts only 
the collection and shipment of the samples.