Iowa Newborn Metabolic Screen
Label Mnemonic: INMS
Epic code: LAB8337
Order form: Whatman 903-Iowa Newborn Metabolic Screen Filter Spot Form
Special Care Nurseries Laboratory
6853 JPP
Dried Blood
Specimen Instructions:
Heelstick collection instructions:
1. Warm the heel for 3-5 minutes with an infant hell warmer
2. Cleanse the heel with an alcohol pad and allow it to air dry
   completely.  Do not dry with gauze.
3. Perform the heal puncture using a tenderfoot.
4. Wipe away first drop of blood.  Allow a large drop to form by the
   spontaneous free flow of blood.  Touch the center of a circle to the
   drop.  Hold the paper to the drop until the blood soaks through the
   paper to the other side.  Apply ONE large drop of blood directly to
   each filter paper circle.  File with a single application; do not
   layer.  Do not let the paper touch the foot.
5. Completely fill all circles.  All circles must be completely filled
   with one drop in each circle.  The blood must soak through the card
   and look the same on both sides.  Filled circles should appear the
   same on both sides of the paper.
6. Apply gentle pressure to the puncture site with a gauze square.
7. Allow blood on filter paper to air dry at room temperature in a
   horizontal position for three or more hours.
Collection Medium:
Filter paper from collection kit
Five completely filled circles of dried blood on SHL-INMSP requisition. Collected and shipped to SHL from Special Care Nursery Lab.
Turn Around Time:
1 week upon receipt at reference laboratory
Reference Range:
By report; directly into Epic via State Hygienic Laboratory - Beaker interface.
Please refer to the State Hygienic Laboratory website to view the list of disorders detected with newborn screening.

The State Hygienic Laboratory Requisition form MUST have the following information completed on the form before delivery to laboratory: Collector's initials, infant's last name and first name, sex, first or repeat specimen, physician name, date and time of birth, feeding method (bottle/breast/NPO/parenteral nutrition), mother's first and last name, mother's date of birth, date and time of collection, weight at time of collection, gestational age in weeks, transfusion within the last eight weeks and date of transfusion.
CPT Code: