Growth Hormone
Label Mnemonic: HGH
Epic code: LAB525
Downtime form: Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
6240 RCP
Collection Medium:
Plasma Separator Tube 4.5 mL
Alternate Collection Media:
Call laboratory for additional acceptable specimen collection containers.
3 mL whole blood in light green top tube or TWO Microtainer® devices.
Testing Schedule:
24 hrs/day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
Turn Around Time:
1 hour (upon receipt in laboratory)
Reference Range:
  0-10 years:          0.09-6.29 ng/mL
  11-17 years:         0.08-10.8 ng/mL
  18 years and older:  0.01-2.47 ng/mL

  0-10 years:          0.12-7.79 ng/mL
  11-17 years:         0.12-8.05 ng/mL
  18 years and older:  0.13-9.88 ng/mL
This assay may be significantly impacted by high-dose biotin (>5 mg dose) taken within previous 12 hours. High concentrations of biotin may lead to falsely decreased results. These concentrations may be found in patients taking over-the-counter supplements with biotin content much higher than nutritional requirements for biotin. Specimens should not be collected until at least 12 hours after the last dose.
Test Limitations:
Hemolysis: No significant interference up to an H index of 500 (approximate hemoglobin concentration: 500 mg/dL).

Lipemia: No significant interference up to an L index of 1500 (approximate triglycerides concentration: 1500 mg/dL). Note there is poor correlation between turbidity and triglyceride concentration.

Icterus: No significant interference up to an I index of 25 (approximate conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin concentration: 25 mg/dL).
Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay
CPT Code:
See Additional Information:
Biotin Interference with Immunoassays