MGMT Methylation Detection by PCR
Label Mnemonic: MGMT
Epic code: LAB8110
Downtime form: A-1a Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
Commercial Mailout Laboratory
6240-8 RCP
Tumor Tissue
Collection Medium:
Tissue Block Sterile Container
Formalin fix (10 percent neutral buffered formalin) and paraffin embed tissue. Protect from excessive heat. Transport tissue block or 5 unstained 5-micron slides. (Min: 3 slides)
Rejection Criteria:
Specimens fixed/processed in alternative fixatives (alcohol, Prefer) or heavy metal fixatives (B-4 or B-5). Decalcified specimens. Less than 25 percent tumor.
Turn Around Time:
10-12 days upon receipt at reference laboratory
Interpretive Data:
Analytical sensitivity - limit of detection is methylation levels >1%
Analytical specificity - 100%

Positive - MGMT promoter methylation was detected
   Associated with improved survival in individuals
   with glioma and in those treated with alkylating
Not detected - MGMT promoter methylation not detected
Test Aids in therapeutic decisions in individuals with gliomas. Methylation of MGMT gene is a favorable prognostic factor in glial tumors.

Include surgical pathology report. Tissue block will be returned after testing.
Test Limitations:
*Methylation at locations other than those covered by the primers and probes not detected

*Results of this test must always be interpreted within the clinical context and other relevant data

*Results should not be used as a sole determinant of alkylating chemotherapy in standard clinical practice
Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
CPT Code:
88381, 81287