Mycobacteria Tuberculosis PCR with Rifampin Resistance (includes culture and stain)
Label Mnemonic: TBPCR
Epic code: LAB7618
Downtime form: A-1a Doctor-Provider Orders - Pathology Microbiology
Microbiology/Molecular Infectious Disease
BT 6004
Sputum, Induced Sputum, Bronchoalveolar Lavage or Bronchial Washings
Collection Medium:
Sterile container
5-15 mL in a sterile container. Pooled specimens are unacceptable.
Rejection Criteria:
More than 1 specimen/day or 3 specimen/week.
Non-respiratory specimens. Repeat testing subsequent to a positive test.
Delivery Instructions:
Deliver to laboratory immediately after collection. If transport is delayed, store specimen at 2-8°C.
Testing Schedule:
0700-1630, 7 days a week, including holidays.
Turn Around Time:
24 hours (upon receipt in laboratory)
The Xpert MTB/RIF Assay is intended for use with specimens from patients for whom there is clinical suspicion of tuberculosis and who have received no therapy or less than 3 days of antituberculosis therapy. This test does not provide confirmation of rifampin susceptibility since mechanisms of rifampin resistance other than those detected by this device may exist. The Xpert MTB/RIF Assay must be used in conjunction with a mycobacterial culture to address the risk of false negative results and to recover organisms for further testing and drug susceptibility testing.

This test is for diagnostic purposes and is not a test of cure. Repeat testing after initial positive test will require approval of the pathology resident on call or pager 4290.
PCR amplification: Xpert MTB/RIF Assay (Cepheid)
CPT Code: