Disaccharidase Analysis
Label Mnemonic: DISAC
Epic code: LAB9380
Downtime form: A-1a Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
Commercial Mailout Laboratory
6240-8 RCP
Small Bowel
Specimen Instructions:
Approximately 5 mg of small bowel should be collected through endoscopy for the complete enzyme analysis.

The tissue should be placed on the wall of a small, tightly capped, plastic tube appropriately labeled with the patient name, date of birth, ID number, date specimen collected and referring physician name. A 1.5 mL microtube works well. PLEASE DO NOT PLACE THE TISSUE ON GAUZE, FILTER PAPER, OR USE ANY TYPE OF SUPPORT MEDIUM. Place on wet-ice for immediate delivery to Specimen Control.
Collection Medium:
Miscellaneous container; contact laboratory
5 mg of small bowel
Turn Around Time:
3-5 days upon receipt at reference laboratory
Reference Range:
          Units = nmol/min/mg protein      Abnormal Range
Lactase            >= 14.0                       < 14.0
Sucrase            >= 19.0                       < 19.0
Maltase            >= 70.0                       < 70.0
Palatinase         >= 6.0                        < 6.0
Glucoamylase       >= 8.0                        < 8.0
This mailout test requires pathologist approval for orders during inpatient encounters. Mailouts staff will not process order without approval. The pathologist covering mailouts approval can be reached at pager #3724. If approval is given, the name of the pathologist can be selected in the drop-down menu to the right of the approval warning in Epic when ordering the test.

Diagnostic testing for patients with clinical signs and symptoms suspicious of a disaccharidase deficiency.
CPT Code: