Label Mnemonic: HGB
Epic code: LAB3578
Downtime form: A-1a Doctor/Provider Orders - Pathology Core and Specialty Care Nursery
Commercial Mailout Laboratory
6240-8 RCP
Whole Blood
Specimen Instructions:
Patient Preparation: Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patient should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, and non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician), and avoid shellfish and seafood for 48 to 72 hours.
Collection Medium:
Royal Blue K2 EDTA tube
Preferred Minimum: 7 mL whole blood in royal blue K2 EDTA tube.
Absolute Minimum: 0.5 mL whole blood in royal blue K2 EDTA tube.
Rejection Criteria:
Specimens collected in tubes other than Royal Blue (EDTA). Specimens transported in containers other than Royal Blue (EDTA) tube or Trace Element-Free Transport Tube. Heparin anticoagulant. Clotted specimens.
Turn Around Time:
1-3 days upon receipt at reference laboratory
Reference Range:
0.0-10.0 μg/L
Interpretive Data:
Elevated results may be due to skin or collection-related contamination, including the use of a noncertified metal-free collection/transport tube. If contamination concerns exist due to elevated levels of blood mercury, confirmation with a second specimen collected in a certified metal-free tube is recommended.

Blood mercury levels predominantly reflect recent exposure and are most useful in the diagnosis of acute poisoning as blood mercury concentrations rise sharply and fall quickly over several days after ingestion. Blood concentrations in unexposed individuals rarely exceed 20 μg/L. The provided reference interval relates to inorganic mercury concentrations. Dietary and non-occupational exposure to organic mercury forms may contribute to an elevated total mercury result. Clinical presentation after toxic exposure to organic mercury may include dysarthria, ataxia and constricted vision fields with mercury blood concentrations from 20 to 50 μg/L.
Royal blue, EDTA, trace metal tube is available from Specimen Control, 6240 RCP.

Mercury is volatile; concentration may decrease over time.
Quantitative Anatomic Absorption/Quantitative Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
CPT Code: